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AsiX Developments

Information about innovations, improvements and new developments in AsiX

23. July 2024

Grouping and filtering of published documents

Document recipients have now a clearer display of the documents published for them.

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Grouping and filtering of published documents

16. July 2024

Marking planned courses

From now on it is possible to create and flag planned courses, so that the qualification matrix and training planning will show that no further action is required as all preparations have been made.

Marking planned courses

18. June 2024

QR code of hazardous substances

The documents stored with the hazardous substances, such as safety data sheets, can now be made accessible to employees or external persons without an own AsiX user via QR code. For the initial set-up, contact your AsiX consultant.

QR code of hazardous substances

16. May 2024

Optimized image display

The preview and full-screen mode of the images in the objects has been improved.

Optimized image display

15. May 2024

The results of the analyses

e.g. the risk assessment can now be clearly displayed in the analysis matrix and these matrices can now also be integrated into the reports.

The results of the analyses

14. May 2024

Medical examination planning incl. appointment allocation

can now be handled with AsiX. The person responsible can define the time slots and either allocate them or invite the employees to be examined to choose a free time slot and register for it.

Medical examination planning incl. appointment allocation

24. April 2024

Interface AsiX - Winasped

From now on AsiX is connected with Winasped, an occupational medicine management software.

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Interface AsiX - Winasped

08. April 2024

User-friendly checklists

It is now possible to scroll directly forwards and backwards between the checkpoints and to enter comments when working through the dialogue window.

User-friendly checklists

08. February 2024

The results of the analyses,

e.g. of the risk assessment, can now be clearly displayed in the analysis matrix so that you can immediately see where the risk is high or where there is a need for action.

The results of the analyses,

12. December 2023

Development wish 2023

AsiX users have voted and we have implemented their request.

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Development wish 2023

26. October 2023

Simple and efficient report generation

Generate reports in MS Word using data from AsiX.

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Simple and efficient report generation

25. October 2023

Simplified course creation

via “planning training” for courses with more than 50 participants. The course is automatically created for all employees without having to select all of them, even for those on the not visible subsequent pages of the list view.

Simplified course creation

09. October 2023

QR code of materials

The documents stored with the work material, such as operating and maintenance instructions, can now also be made accessible to employees or external inspectors without an own AsiX user by means of a QR code. For initial set-up, contact

QR code of materials

04. October 2023

In the planning training list

a column with the tax number of the employees can now be displayed and exported.

In the planning training list

20. September 2023

The project list

can now be configured so that the multiple selection fields, e.g. employees, materials, hazardous substances, are not calculated when the list is called up, so that the loading speed is increased. Contact us at if you need this setting.

The project list

26. June 2023

Simplified course input

From the training planning list, the corresponding course can now be created quickly for open education and training courses for a specific qualification or training. The course title and duration, employee concerned and corresponding qualification and training are automatically pre-filled.

Simplified course input

22. June 2023

For the age of the employees

there is now an additional column in the employees list, including sorting and filtering options.

For the age of the employees

15. May 2023

A new filter for tasks

Now it is possible to display all tasks for a certain period, e.g. the next 30 days. This means that the filter does not refer to a fixed date, but to a period of time.

A new filter for tasks

03. May 2023

API keys

AsiX users now have the possibility to generate API keys, possibly even with an expiry date. This makes the communication between external programs and AsiX, which takes place via the interfaces, more secure.

API keys

31. March 2023

The new predefined report process overview

in the module processes exports all steps and associated documents, checklists, responsible persons ... into a pdf.

The new predefined report process overview

23. March 2023

New view in AsiX

There are no more limits to your creativity.

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New view in AsiX

23. March 2023

For the tasks

now it is also possible to enter a time for the record and the target date. The time entered will also be used for the calendar entries in, for example, Outlook.

For the tasks

07. March 2023

Generated predefined reports

can be automatically saved in the documents. Now a previously defined document type can also be assigned at the same time. Please contact for an initial setting.

Generated predefined reports

23. January 2023

In the process templates

it is now possible to define whether those responsible for the process steps should receive an email notification when the process starts or whether they only receive the notification when the process step in question has to be executed.

In the process templates

12. January 2023

Pre-filled responsible persons for the projects

with to the data from the module organization.

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Pre-filled responsible persons for the projects

20. December 2022

Predefined reports

will no longer be automatically generated in two languages, but the user can select the language.

Predefined reports

20. December 2022

Main legal references and additional legal references

will now be shown separately in the list of legal requirements so that they can be clearly distinguished.

Main legal references and additional legal references

15. December 2022

Fix filters for tasks in reports

Now it will be possible to define and save fixed filters by label etc. for the tasks that you want to integrate into the respective reports. Accordingly, the report updates automatically when new tasks matching the filter are created.

Fix filters for tasks in reports

24. November 2022

Personalize your AsiX

There are now more options to design AsiX according to your own wishes. Additional fields can now also be activated in the form of selection lists and the Excel exports can also be adapted to your needs.

Personalize your AsiX

24. November 2022

Construction site pass

AsiX now creates the legally required identification card for construction sites (according to the law n. 248 of August 4th, 2006) with only one click, using the data and photos from the employee module.

Construction site pass

24. November 2022

Report construction site documents

Simply scan the QR code and enter the PIN number - also non-AsiX-users (e.g. inspectors) on the construction site can now easily access the documents that you have assigned to your project. To activate the PIN code, please contact

Report construction site documents

24. November 2022

Report handover PPE

A simple, quick, and structured way to hand over the PPE.

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Report handover PPE

07. October 2022

Your wish was our command

Development wish 2022: Display AsiX tasks as appointments in Outlook

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Your wish was our command

01. September 2022

GPS coordinates marker can be moved manually

This is now possible for materials and projects.

GPS coordinates marker can be moved manually

01. September 2022

Show analysis in AsiX-Maps

Specific analyses such as a risk analysis for the different company locations can now be displayed and edited on AsiX maps.

Show analysis in AsiX-Maps

01. September 2022

Action necessary

A new indicator for the objects provides immediate information as to whether there is a need for action.

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Action necessary

03. August 2022

Results of the medical examinations

The selection of results for medical examinations has been expanded by the two new options "temporarily not suitable" and "proof by employee pending".

Results of the medical examinations

29. July 2022

Certificate of competence with QR code for employees

so that these and external control bodies can quickly and easily get an overview of the required courses including status and download the diplomas for the courses stored in AsiX as a pdf.

Certificate of competence with QR code for employees

28. July 2022

Integrated translation function for data sets

There is now an interface between AsiX and the Deepl translation tool.

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Integrated translation function for data sets

23. June 2022

Interface AsiX and onboard

Now the exchange of applicant and employee data is guaranteed.

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Interface AsiX and onboard

22. June 2022

Groups of materials

Display tasks and documents of the subordinate materials

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Groups of materials

21. April 2022

Supporting documents of the POS configurable

Own document type for the construction site documents

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Supporting documents of the POS configurable

28. March 2022

Improve the performance of the tables

Selection number of records in list

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Improve the performance of the tables

27. March 2022

Additional features signing process

Completion or cancellation of a signing process

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Additional features signing process

15. February 2022

Additional functions for documents

Filter of documents according to company Advance warning time for document types in days/months/years

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Additional functions for documents

21. January 2022

Better safe than sorry

Because the security of your data is important to us, we increase the protective measures through 2-factor authentication.

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Better safe than sorry

16. December 2021

AsiX bookmark

So that you always have quick and easy access to the most important data.

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AsiX bookmark

06. December 2021

Developments 2021

Information about innovations, improvements and new developments in AsiX

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Developments 2021

14. October 2021

Digital signing with AsiX

Digitally signing documents quickly, easily and legally valid

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Digital signing with AsiX